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Test your Prior Learning and Competences

We all have a wide range of competencies that we gain through work, hobbies, reading books, studying, and so on. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences offers you the opportunity to demonstrate your competencies and get credits for the knowledge you have gained at work or in your spare time. If you have competencies that meet the objectives of the course, you can take any of the courses offered at Haaga-Helia by demonstrating your competencies. With this test, you will get a better understanding of your competencies and what to demonstrate with us.

Please answer the following questions.

Language Skills

Aviation speaks many languages.

When studying in Haaga-Helia Aviation Business programme you will complete 20 credits of language studies. The studies will be completed according to your mother tongue. International students will mainly focus on Finnish language and culture studies and Finnish and Swedish students will mainly study a third language besides the official languages. Language studies can be demonstrated if you have prior learning in Finnish, Swedish or some other language.

ICT Competencies and Communication Skills

Customer Understanding and Services

Working in Teams and Human Resources

Numbers, Accounting, and Finance

Safety and Risk Management in Aviation Business

Commercial Air Transport Pilot or Air Traffic Controller

Work Experience

Thank you!

Please take a screen shot for yourself in order to remember what courses to demonstrate!

Following the below link, you can find more information about the courses and the RPL process.