
Purposeful co-creation between universities and industry partners – join us!
To drive sustainable change in living, travel, learning, and consumption, it is best to join forces with multiple stakeholders. Here you can find information on the step-by-step process of how we engage students, teachers, businesses, and non-profits in purpose-driven co-creation and collaboration.
Stakeholder Co-Creation Process
We divide our collaboration and co-creation process into four stages: Co-ideation, Co-design, Co-implementation, and Co-evaluation.
The Co-ideation stage involves initial meetings and brainstorming sessions with all project stakeholders (teachers, students, and industry partners). During these meetings, we first identify a shared sustainability challenge that needs to be brought into focus. Next, we develop a digital storytelling project brief geared towards tackling the challenge. Stakeholders also do background research into the topic, explore the needs of potential target audiences, and generate ideas about effective digital storytelling approaches.
The Co-design stage involves stakeholder workshops where digital storytelling concepts are drafted, finetuned, and visualized with the help of continuous feedback and feedforward. This includes iterative concept planning, scripting, and storyboarding activities that pave the way for the co-creation of purpose-driven digital stories targeted at specified audiences.
The Co-implementation stage is focused on digital content generation, creation, and finalization in line with the goals of the digital storytelling project brief. Besides co-creating digital stories, the stakeholders agree on how digital performance is monitored (through shares, views, downloads, reactions, comments, and so on) and how all collaboration parties can boost audience engagement in their own stakeholder networks.
The Co-evaluation stage involves tracking the success of the digital content created in the light of selected key performance indicators to improve the engagement with the target audience(s). Finally, we evaluate the contributions of all stakeholders to develop both the digital content and the collaboration process. We use our key insights and takeaways to support future collaboration projects.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Learn to Change – Collaborative Digital Storytelling for Sustainable Change

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