
We co-create digital storytelling for sustainable change
In our Learn to Change project (2021–2023), all stakeholders – students, teachers, and associated industry partners – learn to change their thinking and behavior through purpose-driven collaboration and hands-on co-creation. We believe in participatory and engaged ways of learning together while solving real-life challenges.
The project: “Learn to Change – Collaborative Digital Storytelling for Sustainable Change” (EC Project Number 2020-1-FI01-KA226-HE-092760). Project contact person: Dr Tanja Vesala-Varttala (
Our aims are to:
- engage European higher education teachers and students and industry stakeholders in digital collaboration to drive sustainable change.
- organize international trainings, virtual mobility experiments, seminars, and co-creation workshops where we innovate digital storytelling to promote sustainable learning, living, travel, and consumption.
- create and publish open e-learning materials that stakeholders can use and develop for their digital storytelling needs and long-term collaboration purposes.
The project partners:
- Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland (coordinator)
- Budapest Business School BBS, Hungary
- Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco IPCB, Portugal
- University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, UCT, School of Business, the Czech Republic
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Learn to Change – Collaborative Digital Storytelling for Sustainable Change

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