Action plan

We encourage and support you in building co-creative communities for long-term collaboration.
Due to a lack of time and resources, it is often challenging to sustain long-term relations between universities and industry partners. With our digital storytelling journey map, we help collaborators drive long-term sustainable change – and have creative fun in the process.
Getting started with collaboration is often the hardest step. To keep the collaboration going and developing, you need resources and support materials. We invite you to take the first step. Our digital storytelling resources will guide you through the journey.
Here you can find an Action Plan on how you can use and develop our collaborative digital storytelling resources in your own contexts. The Action Plan has three sections, each addressed to a specific target audience (students, teachers, or companies/stakeholder organizations). You can access, use, and share the plans with your colleagues as online presentations or downloadable PDFs.
Digital Storytelling Action Plan as a Brochure:
- Learn&Change Action Plan for Students (pdf)
- Learn&Change Action Plan for Teachers (pdf)
- Learn&Change Action Plan for Companies (pdf)
Digital Storytelling Action Plan as a Presentation:
- Action Plan for Students (Genially)
- Action Plan for Teachers (Genially)
- Action Plan for Companies (Genially)
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Learn to Change – Collaborative Digital Storytelling for Sustainable Change

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.